Wednesday 29 May 2013

Teachers treat grade 8's like they are in high school.

                                          Teachers treat grade 8's like they are in high school.
By: Jacob and James

If anyone is in grade 8 the teacher that teach the grade 8's will threat them like they are in high school. The grade 8 teacher's act like they teach in high school. The grade 8 teacher's just want to see you try your best and pass. The teacher's try their best to make you more mature. Some teacher's that teach grade 8's usually just don't care.

Oral Or Write
Why do grade 8 teacher's treat grade 8's like they are already in high school? And does some grade 8 teacher's care? Do they want you to pass? Explain or share in your own words how you know.

True Or False
True Or False? Are teacher's just treating you like you are in high school just so you can be more mature and so you pass? Explain in Specific Words (Not to Specific) how you  know?

Watch A Video
After you have watched this video (don't have to watch all of it) talk all together what did this video show you? And what did it teach? Explain in specific words.(not to specific. Just one specific word like. Um? and words like that one.)

Some Video Games Are Called "Spoilers."

                               Some Video Games Are Called "Spoilers."

Some video games are spoilers. Which is Spoiler video games are next to Impossible and will make you mad. Look at this photo of a spoiler game called Little Big Planet. Little Big Planet is impossible to beat but not that impossible.

Oral Or Write
Where was this game made? And What does Spoiler Video Game  mean. Explain or Share in your own words.

True Or False
______________________________________________________True or False? Spoiler video games are impossible to beat. Explain what you think? Is it true or false.

Watch A Video
After you have watched this video (You do not have to watch it all)  Talk all together about what did it show you? And what did it teach you (If it shows or explains it to you)?

The Greatest Lego Structure In The World.

                                                 The greatest Lego Structure In The World.

This is the greatest Lego structure in the world. It is something from all the movies named star wars. The people who made it worked really hard on it. If they did not concentrate on it the whole thing will fall apart. Even they made sound effects for it. If you go and see it (If possible) and hear the sound it will sound really cool.

Oral Or Write.
In this article. Why did I write "If they did not concentrate on it the whole thing will fall apart"? And When i said " It is something from all the movies named star wars." What is the structure?

True Or False.
Is it true that the structure is from star wars? Explain in your own words if it's True Or False.

Watch A Video.
After you have watched this (you don't have to watch it all) talk all together about what it showed you and If it told you some things what did it tell you?

Jay Happ Hit By A Line Drive In Baseball.

                                              Jay happ Hit By A line Drive In Baseball.

Jay Happ was a pitcher for Toronto blue Jays. But when Jay Happ was pitching to Texas team in half of the game of Baseball. Then when Jay Happ threw a fastball a person on the other team hit it back to Jay Happ. It was called a line drive. Jay Happ got hit in the head with a line drive But he was knocked out for a few seconds. Then Jay Happ went to a hospital to check if he is ok.

Oral Or Write
Jay Happ got hit in the head by a line drive. Do you think that should be out? Do you think that Jay Happ will be ok?

True Or False
Is it true that they let the batter for Texas go to first base? Why do you think that? Explain in your own words.

Watch A video
After you watch this video ( don't have to watch it all it is up to you.) Explain all together what it showed you and is Jay happ ok?