Wednesday 29 May 2013

The Greatest Lego Structure In The World.

                                                 The greatest Lego Structure In The World.

This is the greatest Lego structure in the world. It is something from all the movies named star wars. The people who made it worked really hard on it. If they did not concentrate on it the whole thing will fall apart. Even they made sound effects for it. If you go and see it (If possible) and hear the sound it will sound really cool.

Oral Or Write.
In this article. Why did I write "If they did not concentrate on it the whole thing will fall apart"? And When i said " It is something from all the movies named star wars." What is the structure?

True Or False.
Is it true that the structure is from star wars? Explain in your own words if it's True Or False.

Watch A Video.
After you have watched this (you don't have to watch it all) talk all together about what it showed you and If it told you some things what did it tell you?

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